Is there any way to install Ubuntu touch on an x86 tablet? Some images are available for download over there -touch/daily-preinstalled/pending but I don't know if I can somehow download and install them on my tablet.
Ubuntu Touch Is Now Finally Available as 64-Bit ARM Images for Ubuntu Phones
So the partial answer is, NOT ubuntu-touch - do not search for images for ARM CPUs, when yours is Intel x86 (and 64-bit).What is missing is "howto" make that device boot GRUB (perhaps 32-bit EFI?) on certain tablets, and install Ubuntu - "normal" PC Desktop version.
While Ubuntu and most of its derivatives have stopped producing 32-bit x86 images with the number of devices out there dwindling that can't run x86_64, Lubuntu is among the few still offering i686 images to help those who may be running on outdated hardware but still interested in running the latest Linux software.
Ubuntu 17.10 dropped its i386 / 32-bit x86 installer image while the i386 port has remained part of the package archive. Other Ubuntu derivatives over the past year have also moved to drop their 32-bit installer images and with Lubuntu/Xubuntu now ending their ISOs for that port, it's hitting the end of the road. Now for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, there might not even be the i386 port.
Ubuntu 17.10 stopped producing 32-bit x86 ISOs and many other *buntu derivatives followed suit earlier this year. One of them still producing i386 images was Xubuntu, but now they have decided to abandon them as well.
Here are the LCDs that are supported under FriendlyCore and Lubuntu Desktop:S430, S700/S701, S702, HD700, HD702, HD101 and X710 all of which are LCDs with capacitive touch;W35B, H43, P43, S70D and Matrix 2.8" SPI Key TFT LCD all of which are LCDs with resistive touchAll these LCD's tech details can be obtained on our wiki site:LCDModules
1) Configure LED1 to be in heartbeat mode2) Fix HDMI 1080P may have no display problem in some cases3) Fix the issue that mysql cannot be installed under Linux4) Fix the issue that the 1-wire touch resistance screen cannot be used under lubuntu 2ff7e9595c